
New Lo­ca­tion in the Heart of the Port of Ham­burg Lieb­herr sets up new branch of­fice

Ham­burg, 19 April 2017 – Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity (HPA) and Lieb­herr-Nen­z­ing Ser­vice GmbH today signed a lease agree­ment for a 44,000-square-metre-large site at the Kuh­w­erder Hafen har­bour basin. The man­u­fac­turer of mar­itime cranes and other ma­chin­ery will set up a new op­er­at­ing site for its Har­burg-based sales and ser­vice com­pany on the cen­trally lo­cated site. Con­struc­tion is ex­pected to start in No­vem­ber 2017.

The new lo­ca­tion bor­ders on the Stein­werder-Süd dis­trict, for which the HPA has ini­ti­ated a con­test to gather ideas for an in­no­v­a­tive con­cept of use. The site will house a work­shop (2,160 m2), a ware­house (1,080 m2) and an of­fice build­ing (3,125 m2). All in all, 90 em­ploy­ees will work at the lo­ca­tion. Mov­ing in is planned for the first quar­ter of 2019.

The new branch of­fice will be in charge of sell­ing and ser­vic­ing mo­bile har­bour cranes, ship cranes, and off­shore cranes as well as con­struc­tion ma­chin­ery from the duty cycle crawler crane, crawler crane und deep foun­da­tion equip­ment prod­uct range. It will also offer spare part and re­pair ser­vices.

Lieb­herr-Nen­z­ing had been on the look­out for an ap­pro­pri­ate lo­ca­tion in north­ern Ger­many close to the port. Under its land re­struc­tur­ing pro­gramme the HPA was able to offer the com­pany at­trac­tive growth prospects, which is ex­actly what the port de­vel­op­ment plan calls for. “Lieb­herr will cre­ate long-term jobs in the heart of the port and con­tinue to sup­port Ham­burg’s busi­nesses with its know-how,” says Jens Meier, Chair­man of the Man­age­ment Board of the HPA.

“We want to make use of the growth po­ten­tial and se­cure the long-term fu­ture of our uni­ver­sal port,” says Frank Horch, Ham­burg Min­is­ter for Eco­nomic Af­fairs, Trans­port and In­no­va­tion. “Above all, we strive to se­cure the many dif­fer­ent jobs the port of­fers, cre­ate new ones and in­crease the value added. Lieb­herr‘s move to the site is a per­fect ex­am­ple of this de­vel­op­ment aim.”

“By get­ting Lieb­herr to lo­cate to the site, the HPA man­aged to keep the com­pany, and the jobs it of­fers, in Ham­burg. At the same time, the HPA of­fers Lieb­herr long-term de­vel­op­ment prospects en­abling it to ex­pand its busi­ness ac­tiv­i­ties in the Port of Ham­burg,” adds Uwe Wei­de­mann, Head of Sales and Pro­ject De­vel­op­ment - Port Es­tate Di­vi­sion at the HPA.

“Due to its lo­gis­ti­cal ad­van­tages we have made Ham­burg our hub for rental and re­turned equip­ment as well as for all kinds of re­pair ser­vices from the Eu­ro­pean re­gion,” says Jörg Schmidt, Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor of Lieb­herr-Nen­z­ing Ser­vice GmbH.

About the Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity

The Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity AöR (HPA) has been pro­vid­ing fu­ture-ori­ented port man­age­ment ser­vices of­fer­ing one face to the cus­tomer since 2005. To en­sure safe and ef­fi­cient processes in the Port of Ham­burg and meet the de­mands of a grow­ing port, the HPA re­lies on in­tel­li­gent and in­no­v­a­tive so­lu­tions. The HPA is re­spon­si­ble for re­source-ef­fi­cient, sus­tain­able plan­ning and the im­ple­men­ta­tion of in­fra­struc­ture pro­jects in the port. It is the con­tact point for all kinds of ques­tions con­cern­ing the wa­ter­side and land­side in­fra­struc­ture, the safety of nav­i­ga­tion for ves­sels, port rail­way fa­cil­i­ties, port prop­erty man­age­ment and busi­ness con­di­tions in the port. The HPA en­sures the pro­vi­sion of land as re­quired, car­ries out all statu­tory du­ties placed on it and pro­vides port in­dus­try ser­vices. It mar­kets port-spe­cific tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and rep­re­sents the in­ter­ests of the Port of Ham­burg at a na­tional and in­ter­na­tional level.


Con­tact: Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity AöR | Press Of­fice | Tel.: +49 40 42847-2300 | E-mail: press­es­telle@​hpa.​hamburg.​de.

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