Make the port your work­place



In­dus­trial ex­perts lend a hand every­where

Around 1,050 huge ships call at the Port of Ham­burg every year. In ad­di­tion to the im­mensely high con­tainer han­dling, cruise ship tourism and trans­port via road and rail are con­tin­u­ously grow­ing in the port. Our in­dus­trial team, con­sist­ing of crafts­men, plan­ners and fa­cil­ity op­er­a­tors, work be­hind the scenes to en­sure op­er­a­tions run smoothly and the port’s in­fra­struc­ture re­mains in­tact. Keep the port run­ning and find out about your ca­reer op­por­tu­ni­ties today in our job por­tal. 

Ap­pli­cants from in­dus­trial ca­reers can ex­pect a host of ex­cit­ing tasks at HPA – from metal work to elec­tron­ics to fa­cil­i­ties main­te­nance to gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing.

In­dus­trial ca­reers at HPA

We are look­ing for team mem­bers for the plan­ning, main­te­nance and op­er­a­tion of var­i­ous fa­cil­i­ties:

  • Bridges, locks, bar­rages
  • Road net­work 
  • Port rail­way
  • Flood pro­tec­tion
  • Dykes
  • Sea marks and radar sta­tions
  • Land­fills and waste­water treat­ment plants
  • Neuw­erk is­land